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hard i2c vs soft i2c

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 9:38 pm
by anshchawla521
I am using the stm32duino core by stmelectronics version 2.4.0 and I want to know whether the I2c wire object declared using the wire.h library run on hardware i2c or softi2c.

Hardware : stm32f405rgtxx
Pins for i2c : PB10 , PB11

Re: hard i2c vs soft i2c

Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 2:44 am
by fpiSTM
It uses hardware.

Re: hard i2c vs soft i2c

Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 7:33 am
by anshchawla521
Is the code So smart to switch to hardware i2c if we use the i2c capable pins and then switch to software i2c when we use any other pins.

Also I am actually working on a Firmware for the F4 boards and in that i have to interface a dps310 barometer over i2c and requesting 25 bytes of data and waiting for it to come takes a lot of time(2000us ) Is there a better way in which I could request the data and while the data is incoming I could do something else?

Code: Select all

void getAbosluteAltitudeFromBaro()
  /* Description : This functions Gets one altitude data from baro*/

  if (barometer_status != ACTIVE)

  if (Wire2.endTransmission() != 0)
    barometer_status = NOTPRESENT;

  Wire2.requestFrom(0x76, 1);
  uint8_t meas_cfg;
  while (Wire2.available() > 0)
    meas_cfg =;

  if ((meas_cfg & 0b10000000) == 0b10000000)
    // read cofficients
    Wire2.requestFrom(0x76, 18); // request pressure and temp data
    byte i = 0;

    while (Wire2.available())
      if (i >= 18)
        // error
        Serial.println("ERRor in getting baro reading");
        barometer_status = NOTPRESENT;
      buffer_cofficients[i++] =;

    c0 = (buffer_cofficients[0] & 0x80 ? 0xFF : 0) << 12 | buffer_cofficients[0] << 4 | buffer_cofficients[1] >> 4; // was 12 bit so had to extend msb manually
    c1 = (buffer_cofficients[1] & 0x08 ? 0xFF : 0) << 12 | (buffer_cofficients[1] & 0x0f) << 8 | buffer_cofficients[2];
    c00 = (buffer_cofficients[3] & 0x80 ? 0xFFFF : 0) << 20 | buffer_cofficients[3] << 12 | buffer_cofficients[4] << 4 | buffer_cofficients[5] >> 4; // was 20 bit so had to extend msb manually
    c10 = (buffer_cofficients[5] & 0x08 ? 0xFFFF : 0) << 20 | (buffer_cofficients[5] & 0x0f) << 16 | buffer_cofficients[6] << 8 | buffer_cofficients[7];

    c01 = buffer_cofficients[8] << 8 | buffer_cofficients[9];
    c11 = buffer_cofficients[10] << 8 | buffer_cofficients[11];
    c20 = buffer_cofficients[12] << 8 | buffer_cofficients[13];
    c21 = buffer_cofficients[14] << 8 | buffer_cofficients[15];
    c30 = buffer_cofficients[16] << 8 | buffer_cofficients[17];

  if ((meas_cfg & 0b00010000) == 0b00010000)
    // new pressure data available;
    // read temperature then only

    Wire2.requestFrom(0x76, 6); // request pressure and temp data
    byte i = 0;

    while (Wire2.available())
      if (i >= 6)
        // error
        Serial.println("ERRor in getting baro reading");
        barometer_status = NOTPRESENT;
      buffer_cofficients[i++] =;

    pressure = int32_t((buffer_cofficients[0] & 0x80 ? 0xFF : 0) << 24 | (buffer_cofficients[0] << 16 | buffer_cofficients[1] << 8 | buffer_cofficients[2])); // was 24 bit so had to add msb // also it is unsigned so before converting to float have to convert to int
    temperature = int32_t((buffer_cofficients[3] & 0x80 ? 0xFF : 0) << 24 | (buffer_cofficients[3] << 16 | buffer_cofficients[4] << 8 | buffer_cofficients[5]));
    pressure = pressure / float(K_pressure);
    temperature = temperature / float(K_temperature);
    pressure = double(c00) + pressure * (double(c10) + pressure * (double(c20) + pressure * double(c30))) + temperature * double(c01) + temperature * pressure * (double(c11) + pressure * double(c21));
    temperature = double(c0) * 0.5 + double(c1) * temperature;

  altitude_from_baro = 44330 * (1.0 - pow(pressure / 100.0 / 1013.25, 0.1903));
  // get data from baro
link to my whole code: