Making my STM32F303 act as an SPI slave

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Making my STM32F303 act as an SPI slave

Post by michealspencer »

10 Ways to Reduce Household Waste

In May 2019, a piece of plastic bag was found at the bottom of the world’s deepest ocean trench, which created a huge wave of shock globally. Human garbage is polluting even the deepest and most remote area where humans cannot reach without the help of technology.

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Even the highest point on Earth, Mt. Everest, is known to be covered with trash from hundreds of expeditions to the summit every year. Each of us might not be able to volunteer to clean up the deepest ocean bottom, or to collect trash along the Himalayas, but when every household reduces its daily waste, what a significant amount of trash will be reduced! Here are 10 ways you and your family can contribute to a cleaner Earth today!


Avoid canned beverages, boxed juices and processed, packaged food. They are often filled with preservatives which aren’t good for your health anyway. The containers, the cans and boxes, are often not entirely made from recyclable materials. As a result, you end up throwing them into the trash instead of the recycle bin. Instead, you can follow a number of recipes for homemade soup, pressed juice, and other favorites for your family. They can be found easily online from websites such as Taste of Home or Food & Home Entertaining. Stop buying packaged food and canned drinks for your health and your environment!

Carry reusable containers such as reusable travel mugs, water bottles, and food containers such as Tupperware (famously the original food storage brand with great product reviews) when you get your on-the-go cup of morning coffee from a café, or buy a Chinese take-away dinner. It will be even better for your wallet and greener for the environment when you make your own coffee at home (try a Top product reviews Thekinglive single serve coffee maker from Amazon products such as a Keurig), or make your own sandwich and pack it in a lunchbox for your kids to bring to school. Don’t forget to bring your reusable shopping bags whenever you are out on a shopping trip! They are often foldable and fit perfectly well in your handbags.

Prefer products sold in jars instead of plastic containers. Some stores offer refill with a discount for products like shampoo, body wash, and body lotion when you bring back the jars. Farmer markets at your local area often sell honey, pickles, and other wet foods in jars, so you get fresh produce in an environmental-friendly way.

Cancel hard copied magazine or newspaper subscriptions and read them online. In this digital day and age, you are surrounded (and sometimes bombarded) by news from social media, television, and radio/podcast. Long gone are the days when you have to wait at the front door for the newspaper delivery boy to bring your morning news. You can read and watch everything at your fingertips. Same goes with books. E-books can be delivered to your email address or Kindle in a matter of a few seconds, and they don’t take up any space in your house, or create any carbon footprint since there is no physical delivery.


For More Information: Top Product Evaluated

Final thoughts

The cost of daily garbage to human life and the Earth itself has been a global concern for a very long time. There are campaigns for a greener Earth every single minute around the globe. Start a green campaign at your house today and make a difference!
by ag123 » Thu Jun 03, 2021 4:19 pm
for slave mode the arduino SPI api don't have the relevant calls, it is mainly intended to work as a 'master'.
hence, hal is probably a best bet, short of hitting the registers or a raw / scratch implementation
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Last edited by michealspencer on Fri Apr 21, 2023 9:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Making my STM32F303 act as an SPI slave

Post by AndrewBCN »

The reference manual seems to indicate that the hardware is capable of spi slave operation:

Code: Select all

SPI features

Full-duplex synchronous transfers on three lines
Simplex synchronous transfers on two lines with or without a bidirectional data line
8- or 16-bit transfer frame format selection
Master or slave operation
But I don't think the STM32 Core SPI library has implemented slave operation.
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Re: Making my STM32F303 act as an SPI slave

Post by ag123 »

for slave mode the arduino SPI api don't have the relevant calls, it is mainly intended to work as a 'master'.
hence, hal is probably a best bet, short of hitting the registers or a raw / scratch implementation
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