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Change ADC Prescaler for GD32f103 instead of STM32f103 using STM32duino

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 5:16 pm
by bomberman
I am trying to use a GD32F103 to replace a STM32F103c8 for a project
using the STM32duino library.
All hardware transpositions seem to work (GPIO, SPI, PWM, etc)
but probably due to the different clock frequency I am stuck with the ADC's.
They run too fast, and I therefore meet crosstalk between ADC channels.
I would like to be able to for example change the CLOCK DIVIDER PRESCALER for the ADC's
(which I hope would solve my problem) or to change MAIN CLOCK FREQUENCY.
However, I cannot find the file defining the ADC Clock divider .

Does anyone have any idea or lead for my problem?
Thank you in advance