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ST32 HTS221 Problems

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2022 3:39 pm
by christnp
Good Morning,

I have the NCD HTS221 i2c module that I am trying to interface with the PYNQ-Z1 development board (for those who are not aware, the PYNQ-Z1 is a Xilinx board that uses MicroBlaze + Arduino header). FWIW, I have had no issues using other i2c modules so it seems to be isolated to this particular module.

Problem: I can query the device just fine (receiving DeviceID), but the temperature and humidity values never change. They are always 23.9 C and 61.5 %, respectively.

Status: I first started with my own driver code but thought I must be doing something wrong, so I fully migrated to the open-source driver found here: When using the stm32duino driver and following their C++ / Arduino example, I still get the same result. Here is the HTS221 parts of my code:

Code: Select all

i2c device_hts;
SensorRing_st ring = {0};   
HTS_Data_st hts_data = {0};
// initialize the sensor
ring.error |= HTS_Begin(&device_hts,&hts_data);
// collect data
while(1) {
	ring.error |= HTS_Poll(&device_hts,&hts_data);
	dealy_us(4000); // delay 4msec (I've tried 1 second delays, same result)

SensorRing_Error_et HTS_Begin(void *handle, HTS_Data_st *hts_data)
    /* Power down the device */
    if ( HTS_DeActivate( (void *)handle ) == HTS_ERROR )
        return HTS_SENSOR_ERROR;

    /* Enable BDU */
    if ( HTS_Set_BduMode( (void *)handle, HTS_ENABLE ) == HTS_ERROR )
    return HTS_SENSOR_ERROR;
    if (HTS_Set_Odr((void *)handle, HTS_ODR_1HZ) == HTS_ERROR)
        return HTS_SENSOR_ERROR;
    // I also tried just using the Set_InitConfig() method, same result
    // HTS_Init_st hts_init = {0};
    // hts_init.avg_h = HTS_AVGH_4;
    // hts_init.avg_t = HTS_AVGT_2;
    // hts_init.odr = HTS_ODR_1HZ;
    // hts_init.bdu_status = HTS_DISABLE;
    // hts_init.heater_status = HTS_DISABLE;
    // hts_init.irq_level = HTS_HIGH_LVL;
    // hts_init.irq_output_type = HTS_PUSHPULL;
    // hts_init.irq_enable = HTS_DISABLE;
    // HTS_Set_InitConfig((void *)handle,&hts_init);
    /* Enable sensor */
    HTS_Activate((void *)handle);
    /* Tag sensor */
    HTS_Get_DeviceID((void *)handle,&hts_data->id);

    return ALL_SENSOR_OK;
This is my output (querying status every 1 sec):

Code: Select all

[17:30:46] Humidity: 61.5, Temp_C: 23.9, Temp_F: 75.02, DevId: 0xbc, Error: 0x0
[17:30:47] Humidity: 61.5, Temp_C: 23.9, Temp_F: 75.02, DevId: 0xbc, Error: 0x0
[17:30:48] Humidity: 61.5, Temp_C: 23.9, Temp_F: 75.02, DevId: 0xbc, Error: 0x0
[17:30:49] Humidity: 61.5, Temp_C: 23.9, Temp_F: 75.02, DevId: 0xbc, Error: 0x0
[17:30:50] Humidity: 61.5, Temp_C: 23.9, Temp_F: 75.02, DevId: 0xbc, Error: 0x0
[17:30:51] Humidity: 61.5, Temp_C: 23.9, Temp_F: 75.02, DevId: 0xbc, Error: 0x0
[17:30:52] Humidity: 61.5, Temp_C: 23.9, Temp_F: 75.02, DevId: 0xbc, Error: 0x0
[17:30:53] Humidity: 61.5, Temp_C: 23.9, Temp_F: 75.02, DevId: 0xbc, Error: 0x0
[17:30:54] Humidity: 61.5, Temp_C: 23.9, Temp_F: 75.02, DevId: 0xbc, Error: 0x0
[17:30:55] Humidity: 61.5, Temp_C: 23.9, Temp_F: 75.02, DevId: 0xbc, Error: 0x0
ANy assistance fixing my code and/or troubleshooting a HTS221 device issue is much appreciated!

Re: ST32 HTS221 Problems

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 10:37 pm
by christnp
Quick update: to me it seems that the HTS221, although communicating over i2c, is not properly storing the configuration I send it. Here is an example showing the configuration I send to the sensor using the stm32duino HTS221 API and what I get from the sensor (again, using the HTS221 API to access the config). I've highlighted the parameters I'm specifically trying to change and what their values are after I transmit the change.
hts221_configuraiton_issue-min (1).jpg
hts221_configuraiton_issue-min (1).jpg (81.49 KiB) Viewed 739 times

Re: ST32 HTS221 Problems

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 3:29 am
by christnp
Any thoughts on how to troubleshoot this issue?