SPI1 is in use, how can I use SPI2 for a MicroSD card?

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SPI1 is in use, how can I use SPI2 for a MicroSD card?

Post by fpp3 »

So, I'm developing a remote datalogger that both uses a LoRa transciver and a MicroSD card to store data locally. This is because the LoRa module, sends data in periods of 500ms to reduce power usage. My idea was to have this low-freq data be sent via LoRa, and also have a MicroSD card wich saves data at maximum speed. The problem, is that I dont feel comfortable using one SPI interface with two slaves, mainly because it could happen that I interrupt the data transmission while writing data to the MicroSD. For that, I decided to use the two aviable SPI ports on my Bluepill (STM32F103C8). I'm using the SPI1 for the LoRa transciver and SPI2 for the MicroSD card. The problem resides that none (at least as far as i've tested) of the aviable libraries, support selecting another SPI port other than SPI1, thus, making my dual-telemetry idea fall apart. I've succesfully polled the MicroSD card info from the SPI2 port, but i did it by setting the SPI class pins to the ones used by the SPI2.
Since my C++ understanding, is very limited, i couldnt understand how the SD library calls for the SPI interface, so i wasnt able to remap the SPI class to SPI2 and change the pins. I thought that maybe someone also was in my same situation somwhere in the past, but given that i wasnt able to find anything, i decided to ask.

To clarify:
I have a LoRa module connected to SPI1
I have a MicroSD card connected to SPI2
I want to be able to write and read data from the MicroSD card while also being able to send data to the LoRa module without switching pins to the SPI class.
Is this possible?

Thanks in advance,
by hobbya » Sun Aug 28, 2022 6:56 am
Why have you made it so complicated?

No need to anything on SPI1. Just need to define the pins of SPI2 for your board.

Code: Select all

#define SD_PIN       PB12
#define SetSDSpeed   48

SPIClass SPI_2 (PB15, PB14, PB13); // for blackpill STM32F401 or bluepill STM32F103
#define SD_CONFIG SdSpiConfig (SD_PIN, DEDICATED_SPI, SD_SCK_MHZ (SetSDSpeed), &SPI_2)

Regarding the SD card speed, you can set it to 18 or 24 if you are using bluepill.
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Re: SPI1 is in use, how can I use SPI2 for a MicroSD card?

Post by hobbya »

Have you tried library "SdFat" ? See below example.
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Re: SPI1 is in use, how can I use SPI2 for a MicroSD card?

Post by fpp3 »

Afer some testing, using the sdfat libary i can succesfully write and read data from the sdcard, but only using a software spi. I'm totally lost, since documentation is pretty hard to understand (for me) and i would like to get rid of the software SPI and use instead the hardware SPI (it uses a lot of my program memory). I made it work by copying parts of different examples and merging them onth my code.
Can someone guide me on how can i get hardware SPI2(SDcard) to work simultaneously with SPI1(lora module)?
here is my code:

Code: Select all

#include <AHTxx.h>
#include <LoRa.h>
#include <MPU6050_light.h>
#include <SFE_BMP180.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <STM32TimerInterrupt.h>
#include <STM32_ISR_Timer.h>
#include <STM32_ISR_Timer.hpp>
#include <SdFat.h>
#include <Wire.h>

#define SERIAL_BAUDRATE 9600     // Velocidad del Puerto Serie
#define LORA_FREQUENCY 915000000 // Frecuencia en Hz a la que se quiere transmitir.
#define LORA_SYNC_WORD 0xDE      // Byte value to use as the sync word, defaults to 0x12
#define LORA_POWER 17            // TX power in dB, defaults to 17. Supported values are 2 to 20 for PA_OUTPUT_PA_BOOST_PIN, and 0 to 14 for PA_OUTPUT_RFO_PIN.
#define LORA_SPREAD_FACTOR 7     // Spreading factor, defaults to 7. Supported values are between 6 and 12 (En Argentina se puede utilizar entre 7 a 10)
#define LORA_SIG_BANDWIDTH 125E3 // Signal bandwidth in Hz, defaults to 125E3. Supported values are 7.8E3, 10.4E3, 15. 6E3, 20.8E3, 31.25E3, 41.7E3, 62.5E3, 125E3, 250E3, and 500E3
#define LORA_CODING_RATE 5       // Denominator of the coding rate, defaults to 5. Supported values are between 5 and 8, these correspond to coding rates of 4/5 and 4/8. The coding rate numerator is fixed at 4.
#define SOFT_MISO_PIN PB14
#define SOFT_MOSI_PIN PB15
#define SOFT_SCK_PIN PB13
#define SD_CS_PIN PB12
#define NSS PA15
#define RST PB3
#define IRQ PA1
#define INTpin PA2
#define DRDY PA11
#define BAT PA0
#define MainS PA12
#define AQS PA4
#define SPI2_NSS_PIN PB12
#define TIMER_INTERVAL_1 5L   // TIMER1 salta cada 5 ms
#define TIMER_INTERVAL_2 500L // Timer2 salta cada 500 ms
#define TIMER_INTERVAL_3 23L  // Timer3 salta cada 23 ms
#define comma ','

SdFat sd;
SdFile archivo;

STM32Timer Timer1(TIM1);
STM32_ISR_Timer ISR_Timer1_Temp;
SPIClass SPI_1(PA7, PA6, PA5);
SFE_BMP180 pressure;
MPU6050 mpu(Wire);
AHTxx aht10(AHTXX_ADDRESS_X38, AHT1x_SENSOR); // sensor address, sensor type

float giroX, giroY, giroZ, accX, accY, accZ, ahtValue;
double T, P, baseline;
bool transmit = false, sensors = false, bmpIsInit = false, actualizarMpu = false, leerMpu = false, isFreeFall = false, responder = false, haRespondido = false, noPudoProcesar = false, escribirDatos = false, ejecutarAccion = false, inicializacion = true, inicializado = false, enviarDevuelta = true, escritura = false;
int disparoMedicion = 0, batteryLevel, MQ135, readAht = 0, cicloAht = 0;
uint32_t tiempoMision = 0, empezarMision = 0, humidity;
String dataEnviar = "", dataRecibir;
uint8_t _rawData[7] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; //{status, RH, RH, RH+T, T, T, CRC}, CRC for AHT2x only

void Timer1Handler();
void telemetrySend();
void onRecive(int);
void enviarPresionBase();
void reportarError(String);
void readSensors();
void beginMeasurementAht();
void readHumidityAht();
void leerMPU();
void loraSetup();
void bmpSetup();
void timerSetup();
void mpuSetup();
void aht10Setup();
void sdCardSetup();
void transmitir();
void sensorsBegin();
void readMPU();
void escribirArchivo();
void errorCheck(char);
bool checkSensorStatus(char);
void LoRa_Transmit(uint8_t, uint8_t, String);

void setup() {
    // put your setup code here, to run once:
    pinMode(MainS, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(BAT, INPUT);
    pinMode(INTpin, INPUT);
    pinMode(AQS, INPUT);
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(MainS, HIGH);

    loraSetup(); // Setup modulo lora

    timerSetup(); // Setup de interrupciones de timer

    attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(INTpin), readMPU, FALLING);

void loop() {
    if (!inicializado) {
        if (inicializacion) {
            digitalWrite(MainS, HIGH);
            empezarMision = millis();
            while (!haRespondido)
            inicializado = true;
    } else {
        if (cicloAht == 1)

        if (cicloAht == 2) {
            cicloAht = 0;
        if (transmit == true) {
            transmit = false;
        if (sensors == true) {
            sensors = false;
        if (actualizarMpu == true) {
            actualizarMpu = false;
        if (leerMpu == true) {
            if ((mpu.readData(0x3A) == 0x81) || (mpu.readData(0x3A) == 0x01))
            if ((mpu.readData(0x3A) == 0x81) || (mpu.readData(0x3A) == 0x80))
                isFreeFall = true;
            leerMpu = false;
        if (escritura == true) {
            tiempoMision = (millis() - empezarMision);
            if (!archivo.open("datos1.csv", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_AT_END)) {
                reportarError("Fallo al abrir archivo de MicroSD");
            } else {
                archivo.println(String(String(T) + comma + String(P) + comma + String(giroX) + comma + String(giroY) + comma + String(giroZ) + comma + String(accX) + comma + String(accY) + comma + String(accZ) + comma + String(batteryLevel) + comma + String(tiempoMision) + comma + String(isFreeFall) + comma + String(MQ135) + comma + String(ahtValue)));
                escritura = false;

// Inicializacion del Timer
void timerSetup() {
    // Timer1, lectura de temperatura y transmision
    Timer1.attachInterruptInterval(HW_TIMER_INTERVAL_MS * 1000, Timer1Handler);
    ISR_Timer1_Temp.setInterval(TIMER_INTERVAL_1, sensorsBegin);    // Intervalo de timer para los ciclos de lectura de sensor
    ISR_Timer1_Temp.setInterval(TIMER_INTERVAL_2, transmitir);      // Intervalo de timer para la transmision de datos a la ET
    ISR_Timer1_Temp.setInterval(TIMER_INTERVAL_3, escribirArchivo); // Intervalo de timer para escribir a la microsd

// Inicializacion del LoRa
void loraSetup() {
    pinMode(RST, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(RST, HIGH);
    LoRa.setPins(NSS, RST, IRQ);
    // Inicializar módulo LoRa
    while (!LoRa.begin(LORA_FREQUENCY))


// Inicializacion del MPU6050
void mpuSetup() {

    mpu.writeData(0x38, 0x81);
    mpu.writeData(0x1D, 17);
    mpu.writeData(0x1E, 2);
    mpu.writeData(0x37, 0xB0);
    mpu.calcOffsets(true, true); // gyro and accelero

// Inicializacion del BMP180
void bmpSetup() {
    if (pressure.begin())
    baseline = P;
    bmpIsInit = true;

// Inicializacion del AHT10
void aht10Setup() {

// Inicializacion de la MicroSD
void sdCardSetup() {
    if (!sd.begin(SD_CONFIG)) {
        reportarError("No se pudo iniciar MicroSD1");
        while (1)

// Subortina ISR para interrupciones
void Timer1Handler() {

// Funcion estandard para enviar mensajes por LoRa con el Protocolo gVIE
void LoRa_Transmit(uint8_t type, uint8_t reqs, String data){
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
    LoRa.print(String("gvie," + String(type) + comma + String(reqs) + comma + data));
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);

// Funcion de transmision de datos a la Estacion Terrena
void transmitir() {
    transmit = true; // Se transmiten datos a la estacion terrena
    if (!haRespondido) {
        enviarDevuelta = !enviarDevuelta; // Si han pasado 1000 ms, y no se respondio al comando, se vuelve a enviar

// Funcion que envia la telemetria por el modulo LoRa a la estacion terrena
void telemetrySend() {
    tiempoMision = (millis() - empezarMision);
    LoRa_Transmit(1, 14, String(String(T) + comma + String(P) + comma + String(giroX) + comma + String(giroY) + comma + String(giroZ) + comma + String(accX) + comma + String(accY) + comma + String(accZ) + comma + String(batteryLevel) + comma + String(tiempoMision) + comma + String(isFreeFall) + comma + String(MQ135) + comma + String(ahtValue)));
    if (isFreeFall) {
        isFreeFall = false;

// Funcion encargada de realizar las operaciones necesarias al recibir informacion por el modulo LoRa
void onReceive(int packetSize) {
    String LoRaData = LoRa.readString();

    // Busca y almacena la posicion (estilo arreglo) del caracter ingresado + X posiciones
    int confirmacion0 = LoRaData.indexOf(',');            // Header
    int tipo1 = LoRaData.indexOf(',', confirmacion0 + 1); // Tipo de mensaje
    int codigo2 = LoRaData.indexOf(',', tipo1 + 1);       // Codigo de solicitud/respuesta

    // Situa el cursor en X y extrae caracteres hasta Y
    String strconf1 = LoRaData.substring(0, confirmacion0);
    char tipomsg = (LoRaData.substring(confirmacion0 + 1, tipo1)).toInt();
    char codigomsg = (LoRaData.substring(tipo1 + 1, codigo2)).toInt();

    if (strconf1 == "gvie") {      // Verifica si la informacion reciciba viene de nuestro lora a partir de la cadena de comienzo
        switch (tipomsg) { // Puede ser 0, 1, 2, o 3
        case 0:
            responder = true; // Se espera que el mensaje sea de tipo confirmable (Se confirma con "OK")

        case 1:
            responder = 0; // Se espera que el mensaje sea de tipo no confirmable

        case 2:
            haRespondido = true; // Significa que el paquete enviado es para confirmar un comando

        case 3:
            noPudoProcesar = true; // Significa que el paquete enviado pudo ser procesado


        if (!haRespondido && !noPudoProcesar) {
            switch (codigomsg) {
            case 1:
                escribirDatos = true; // El mensaje recibido es para escribir datos

            case 2:
                ejecutarAccion = true; // EL mensaje recibido es para ejecutar una accion

            case 3:
                NVIC_SystemReset(); // El mensaje recibido es para resetear el sistema

            case 10:
                inicializacion = true; // El mensaje recibido es para comenzar la inicializacion de datos


        if (responder) {
            LoRa_Transmit(2, codigomsg, dataEnviar);
            responder = false;

// Funcion que envia la presion base a la Estacion Terrena
void enviarPresionBase() {
    if (enviarDevuelta) {
        LoRa_Transmit(0, 17, String(baseline));
        enviarDevuelta = false;

// Funcion basica de envio de errores a la Estacion Terrena
void reportarError(String data) {
    LoRa_Transmit(4, 77, String(data));

// Se completa un ciclo de la lectura de sensores
void sensorsBegin() {
    sensors = true;

// Funcion que lee todos los sensores a su maxima velocidad. Controlada por banderas de interrupcion
void readSensors() {

    char status;
    if (!bmpIsInit) {
        status = pressure.startTemperature();
        if (status != 0) {
            // Espera que termine la medicion de Temperatura
            status = pressure.getTemperature(T);
            if (status != 0) {
                // Comienza medicion de Presion
                status = pressure.startPressure(3);
                if (status != 0) {
                    // Espera que termine la medicion de Presion
                    status = pressure.getPressure(P, T);
    } else {
        if (readAht == 1)

        if (readAht == 16)

        if (readAht == 400)
            readAht = 0;

        switch (disparoMedicion) {
        case 0:
            status = pressure.startTemperature();
            batteryLevel = analogRead(BAT);
            MQ135 = analogRead(AQS);
            actualizarMpu = true;
            if (status != 0)

        case 1:
            status = pressure.getTemperature(T);

        case 2:
            actualizarMpu = true;
            status = pressure.startPressure(0);
            if (status != 0)

        case 3:
            status = pressure.getPressure(P, T);

            disparoMedicion = false;

// Lectura de los datos del sensor MPU6050
void leerMPU() {
    accX = mpu.getAccX();
    accY = mpu.getAccY();
    accZ = mpu.getAccZ();
    giroX = mpu.getAngleX();
    giroY = mpu.getAngleY();
    giroZ = mpu.getAngleZ();

// Funcion callback del Timer para iniciar la lectura del MPU6050
void readMPU() {
    leerMpu = true; // Comienza la lectura del mpu

void beginMeasurementAht() {

    Wire.write(AHTXX_START_MEASUREMENT_REG);      // send measurement command, strat measurement
    Wire.write(AHTXX_START_MEASUREMENT_CTRL);     // send measurement control
    Wire.write(AHTXX_START_MEASUREMENT_CTRL_NOP); // send measurement NOP control


// Lectura de los datos del sensor AHT10
void readHumidityAht() {
    Wire.requestFrom(0x38, 7, (uint8_t) true); // read n-byte to "wire.h" rxBuffer, true-send stop after transmission

    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
        _rawData[i] = Wire.read();

    humidity = _rawData[1]; // 20-bit raw humidity data
    humidity <<= 8;
    humidity |= _rawData[2];
    humidity <<= 4;
    humidity |= _rawData[3] >> 4;

    ahtValue = ((float)humidity / 0x100000) * 100;

// Funcion callback del Timer para escribir en el archivo de la MicroSD
void escribirArchivo() {
    escritura = true;

// Funcion encargada de resetear el micro si algun dispositivo I2C no se inicializa
void errorCheck(char device) {
    int deberiaResetear = 0;
    while (checkSensorStatus(device)) {
        digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, !LED_BUILTIN);
        // stop everything if could not connect to I2C device
        if (deberiaResetear >= 5) {
            reportarError(String("Error al iniciar el dispositivo I2C N" + String((int)device)));

// Funcion encargada de detectar el estado de inicializacion en el dispositivo seleccionado
bool checkSensorStatus(char device) {
    switch (device) {
    case 1:
        return mpu.begin(); // return begin status of MPU6050
    case 2:
        return !aht10.begin(); // return begin status of AHT10
    case 3:
        return !pressure.begin(); // return begin status of bmp
    case 4:
        // return begin status of "brujula"
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Answers: 1

Re: SPI1 is in use, how can I use SPI2 for a MicroSD card?

Post by hobbya »

Why have you made it so complicated?

No need to anything on SPI1. Just need to define the pins of SPI2 for your board.

Code: Select all

#define SD_PIN       PB12
#define SetSDSpeed   48

SPIClass SPI_2 (PB15, PB14, PB13); // for blackpill STM32F401 or bluepill STM32F103
#define SD_CONFIG SdSpiConfig (SD_PIN, DEDICATED_SPI, SD_SCK_MHZ (SetSDSpeed), &SPI_2)

Regarding the SD card speed, you can set it to 18 or 24 if you are using bluepill.
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