hard i2c vs soft i2c

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hard i2c vs soft i2c

Post by anshchawla521 »

I am using the stm32duino core by stmelectronics version 2.4.0 and I want to know whether the I2c wire object declared using the wire.h library run on hardware i2c or softi2c.

Hardware : stm32f405rgtxx
Pins for i2c : PB10 , PB11
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Re: hard i2c vs soft i2c

Post by fpiSTM »

It uses hardware.
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Re: hard i2c vs soft i2c

Post by anshchawla521 »

Is the code So smart to switch to hardware i2c if we use the i2c capable pins and then switch to software i2c when we use any other pins.

Also I am actually working on a Firmware for the F4 boards and in that i have to interface a dps310 barometer over i2c and requesting 25 bytes of data and waiting for it to come takes a lot of time(2000us ) Is there a better way in which I could request the data and while the data is incoming I could do something else?

Code: Select all

void getAbosluteAltitudeFromBaro()
  /* Description : This functions Gets one altitude data from baro*/

  if (barometer_status != ACTIVE)

  if (Wire2.endTransmission() != 0)
    barometer_status = NOTPRESENT;

  Wire2.requestFrom(0x76, 1);
  uint8_t meas_cfg;
  while (Wire2.available() > 0)
    meas_cfg = Wire2.read();

  if ((meas_cfg & 0b10000000) == 0b10000000)
    // read cofficients
    Wire2.requestFrom(0x76, 18); // request pressure and temp data
    byte i = 0;

    while (Wire2.available())
      if (i >= 18)
        // error
        Serial.println("ERRor in getting baro reading");
        barometer_status = NOTPRESENT;
      buffer_cofficients[i++] = Wire2.read();

    c0 = (buffer_cofficients[0] & 0x80 ? 0xFF : 0) << 12 | buffer_cofficients[0] << 4 | buffer_cofficients[1] >> 4; // was 12 bit so had to extend msb manually
    c1 = (buffer_cofficients[1] & 0x08 ? 0xFF : 0) << 12 | (buffer_cofficients[1] & 0x0f) << 8 | buffer_cofficients[2];
    c00 = (buffer_cofficients[3] & 0x80 ? 0xFFFF : 0) << 20 | buffer_cofficients[3] << 12 | buffer_cofficients[4] << 4 | buffer_cofficients[5] >> 4; // was 20 bit so had to extend msb manually
    c10 = (buffer_cofficients[5] & 0x08 ? 0xFFFF : 0) << 20 | (buffer_cofficients[5] & 0x0f) << 16 | buffer_cofficients[6] << 8 | buffer_cofficients[7];

    c01 = buffer_cofficients[8] << 8 | buffer_cofficients[9];
    c11 = buffer_cofficients[10] << 8 | buffer_cofficients[11];
    c20 = buffer_cofficients[12] << 8 | buffer_cofficients[13];
    c21 = buffer_cofficients[14] << 8 | buffer_cofficients[15];
    c30 = buffer_cofficients[16] << 8 | buffer_cofficients[17];

  if ((meas_cfg & 0b00010000) == 0b00010000)
    // new pressure data available;
    // read temperature then only

    Wire2.requestFrom(0x76, 6); // request pressure and temp data
    byte i = 0;

    while (Wire2.available())
      if (i >= 6)
        // error
        Serial.println("ERRor in getting baro reading");
        barometer_status = NOTPRESENT;
      buffer_cofficients[i++] = Wire2.read();

    pressure = int32_t((buffer_cofficients[0] & 0x80 ? 0xFF : 0) << 24 | (buffer_cofficients[0] << 16 | buffer_cofficients[1] << 8 | buffer_cofficients[2])); // was 24 bit so had to add msb // also it is unsigned so before converting to float have to convert to int
    temperature = int32_t((buffer_cofficients[3] & 0x80 ? 0xFF : 0) << 24 | (buffer_cofficients[3] << 16 | buffer_cofficients[4] << 8 | buffer_cofficients[5]));
    pressure = pressure / float(K_pressure);
    temperature = temperature / float(K_temperature);
    pressure = double(c00) + pressure * (double(c10) + pressure * (double(c20) + pressure * double(c30))) + temperature * double(c01) + temperature * pressure * (double(c11) + pressure * double(c21));
    temperature = double(c0) * 0.5 + double(c1) * temperature;

  altitude_from_baro = 44330 * (1.0 - pow(pressure / 100.0 / 1013.25, 0.1903));
  // get data from baro
link to my whole code: https://github.com/anshchawla521/DIY_FC
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