Arduino IDE 2.0

Development environment specific, Arduino, Eclipse, VS2013, Em::Blocks etc
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Re: Arduino IDE 2.0

Post by mrburnette »

I installed the Arduino IDE 2.0 Beta on my Win10Pro HP i7 (4core-8tread) notebook from ZIP. No issue until...
During the unzip, I got a nasty warning from the AV:

Seems that Windows AV decided there was a threat: *graphic attached at end.

Anyway, that was instantly quarantined.
I suspect Arduino will look into this but I'm not overly concerned. My dev box is backed up and there is nothing on this PC that cannot be remastered easily.

The next issue came from the firewall complaining that Arduino-cli.exe was attempting to open a port for communication. I allowed this to proceed.

So, time to test some STM32duino code from stuff I wrote years ago for Roger's core as sample programs.

Example, loop through all analog values the Arduino way...

Code: Select all

// MapleMini analog test by Ray Burnette
// Arduino 1.7.8 on Linux Mint 17.3 tested on 20160215

int aValue ;
int settlingmS = 5000;

void setup() {
    // Configure the ADC pins
    for (int x =3; x < 12; x++) {
      pinMode(x, INPUT_ANALOG);

void loop() {
  for ( int analogInPin = 3; analogInPin < 12; analogInPin++)
    // read the analog in value:
    aValue = analogRead(analogInPin);
    // print the results to the serial monitor:
    Serial.print("Analog pin#");
    Serial.print("\t = ");
Which yielded the following console messages:

Code: Select all

Using board 'mapleMini' from platform in folder: C:\Users\Ray\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32\STM32F1
Using core 'maple' from platform in folder: C:\Users\Ray\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32\STM32F1
Detecting libraries used...
"C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\arduino\\tools\\arm-none-eabi-gcc\\4.8.3-2014q1/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++" -c -g -Os -w -DDEBUG_LEVEL=DEBUG_NONE -std=gnu++11 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostdlib --param max-inline-insns-single=500 -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -fno-use-cxa-atexit -DBOARD_maple_mini -DVECT_TAB_ADDR=0x8005000 -DERROR_LED_PORT=GPIOB -DERROR_LED_PIN=1 -w -x c++ -E -CC -mcpu=cortex-m3 -DF_CPU=72000000L -DARDUINO=10607 -DARDUINO_MAPLE_MINI -DARDUINO_ARCH_STM32F1 -DMCU_STM32F103CB -DSERIAL_USB -mthumb -march=armv7-m -D__STM32F1__ -DMCU_STM32F103CB -DSERIAL_USB -mthumb -march=armv7-m -D__STM32F1__ "-IC:\\Users\\Ray\\Documents\\Arduino\\hardware\\STM32\\STM32F1\\system/libmaple" "-IC:\\Users\\Ray\\Documents\\Arduino\\hardware\\STM32\\STM32F1\\system/libmaple/include" "-IC:\\Users\\Ray\\Documents\\Arduino\\hardware\\STM32\\STM32F1\\system/libmaple/stm32f1/include" "-IC:\\Users\\Ray\\Documents\\Arduino\\hardware\\STM32\\STM32F1\\system/libmaple/usb/stm32f1" "-IC:\\Users\\Ray\\Documents\\Arduino\\hardware\\STM32\\STM32F1\\system/libmaple/usb/usb_lib" "-IC:\\Users\\Ray\\Documents\\Arduino\\hardware\\STM32\\STM32F1\\cores\\maple" "-IC:\\Users\\Ray\\Documents\\Arduino\\hardware\\STM32\\STM32F1\\variants\\maple_mini" "C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino-sketch-7C9F19D26B063DA5C2264F74A92FEDD0\\sketch\\AnalogTest.ino.cpp" -o nul
Generating function prototypes...
"C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\arduino\\tools\\arm-none-eabi-gcc\\4.8.3-2014q1/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++" -c -g -Os -w -DDEBUG_LEVEL=DEBUG_NONE -std=gnu++11 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostdlib --param max-inline-insns-single=500 -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -fno-use-cxa-atexit -DBOARD_maple_mini -DVECT_TAB_ADDR=0x8005000 -DERROR_LED_PORT=GPIOB -DERROR_LED_PIN=1 -w -x c++ -E -CC -mcpu=cortex-m3 -DF_CPU=72000000L -DARDUINO=10607 -DARDUINO_MAPLE_MINI -DARDUINO_ARCH_STM32F1 -DMCU_STM32F103CB -DSERIAL_USB -mthumb -march=armv7-m -D__STM32F1__ -DMCU_STM32F103CB -DSERIAL_USB -mthumb -march=armv7-m -D__STM32F1__ "-IC:\\Users\\Ray\\Documents\\Arduino\\hardware\\STM32\\STM32F1\\system/libmaple" "-IC:\\Users\\Ray\\Documents\\Arduino\\hardware\\STM32\\STM32F1\\system/libmaple/include" "-IC:\\Users\\Ray\\Documents\\Arduino\\hardware\\STM32\\STM32F1\\system/libmaple/stm32f1/include" "-IC:\\Users\\Ray\\Documents\\Arduino\\hardware\\STM32\\STM32F1\\system/libmaple/usb/stm32f1" "-IC:\\Users\\Ray\\Documents\\Arduino\\hardware\\STM32\\STM32F1\\system/libmaple/usb/usb_lib" "-IC:\\Users\\Ray\\Documents\\Arduino\\hardware\\STM32\\STM32F1\\cores\\maple" "-IC:\\Users\\Ray\\Documents\\Arduino\\hardware\\STM32\\STM32F1\\variants\\maple_mini" "C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino-sketch-7C9F19D26B063DA5C2264F74A92FEDD0\\sketch\\AnalogTest.ino.cpp" -o "C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino-sketch-7C9F19D26B063DA5C2264F74A92FEDD0\\preproc\\ctags_target_for_gcc_minus_e.cpp"
"C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\builtin\\tools\\ctags\\5.8-arduino11/ctags" -u --language-force=c++ -f - --c++-kinds=svpf --fields=KSTtzns --line-directives "C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino-sketch-7C9F19D26B063DA5C2264F74A92FEDD0\\preproc\\ctags_target_for_gcc_minus_e.cpp"
Compiling sketch...
"C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\arduino\\tools\\arm-none-eabi-gcc\\4.8.3-2014q1/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++" -c -g -Os -Wall -Wextra -DDEBUG_LEVEL=DEBUG_ALL -std=gnu++11 -MMD -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostdlib --param max-inline-insns-single=500 -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -fno-use-cxa-atexit -DBOARD_maple_mini -DVECT_TAB_ADDR=0x8005000 -DERROR_LED_PORT=GPIOB -DERROR_LED_PIN=1 -mcpu=cortex-m3 -DF_CPU=72000000L -DARDUINO=10607 -DARDUINO_MAPLE_MINI -DARDUINO_ARCH_STM32F1 -DMCU_STM32F103CB -DSERIAL_USB -mthumb -march=armv7-m -D__STM32F1__ -DMCU_STM32F103CB -DSERIAL_USB -mthumb -march=armv7-m -D__STM32F1__ "-IC:\\Users\\Ray\\Documents\\Arduino\\hardware\\STM32\\STM32F1\\system/libmaple" "-IC:\\Users\\Ray\\Documents\\Arduino\\hardware\\STM32\\STM32F1\\system/libmaple/include" "-IC:\\Users\\Ray\\Documents\\Arduino\\hardware\\STM32\\STM32F1\\system/libmaple/stm32f1/include" "-IC:\\Users\\Ray\\Documents\\Arduino\\hardware\\STM32\\STM32F1\\system/libmaple/usb/stm32f1" "-IC:\\Users\\Ray\\Documents\\Arduino\\hardware\\STM32\\STM32F1\\system/libmaple/usb/usb_lib" "-IC:\\Users\\Ray\\Documents\\Arduino\\hardware\\STM32\\STM32F1\\cores\\maple" "-IC:\\Users\\Ray\\Documents\\Arduino\\hardware\\STM32\\STM32F1\\variants\\maple_mini" "C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino-sketch-7C9F19D26B063DA5C2264F74A92FEDD0\\sketch\\AnalogTest.ino.cpp" -o "C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino-sketch-7C9F19D26B063DA5C2264F74A92FEDD0\\sketch\\AnalogTest.ino.cpp.o"
Compiling libraries...
Compiling core...
Using previously compiled file: C:\Users\Ray\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino-sketch-7C9F19D26B063DA5C2264F74A92FEDD0\core\wirish\start.S.o
Using previously compiled file: C:\Users\Ray\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino-sketch-7C9F19D26B063DA5C2264F74A92FEDD0\core\wirish\start_c.c.o
Using previously compiled file: C:\Users\Ray\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino-sketch-7C9F19D26B063DA5C2264F74A92FEDD0\core\wirish\syscalls.c.o
Using previously compiled file: C:\Users\Ray\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino-sketch-7C9F19D26B063DA5C2264F74A92FEDD0\core\wirish\boards.cpp.o
Using previously compiled file: C:\Users\Ray\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino-sketch-7C9F19D26B063DA5C2264F74A92FEDD0\core\board.cpp.o
Using previously compiled file: C:\Users\Ray\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino-sketch-7C9F19D26B063DA5C2264F74A92FEDD0\core\wirish\boards_setup.cpp.o
Using precompiled core: C:\Users\Ray\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino-core-cache\core_STM32_STM32F1_mapleMini_2d4a391f166aa6403f9ab47e6d350f31.a
Linking everything together...
"C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\arduino\\tools\\arm-none-eabi-gcc\\4.8.3-2014q1/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++" -Os -Wl,--gc-sections -mcpu=cortex-m3 "-TC:\\Users\\Ray\\Documents\\Arduino\\hardware\\STM32\\STM32F1\\variants\\maple_mini/ld/flash.ld" "-Wl,-Map,C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino-sketch-7C9F19D26B063DA5C2264F74A92FEDD0/" "-LC:\\Users\\Ray\\Documents\\Arduino\\hardware\\STM32\\STM32F1\\variants\\maple_mini/ld" -o "C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino-sketch-7C9F19D26B063DA5C2264F74A92FEDD0/AnalogTest.ino.elf" "-LC:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino-sketch-7C9F19D26B063DA5C2264F74A92FEDD0" -lm -lgcc -mthumb -Wl,--cref -Wl,--check-sections -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--unresolved-symbols=report-all -Wl,--warn-common -Wl,--warn-section-align -Wl,--warn-unresolved-symbols -Wl,--start-group "C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino-sketch-7C9F19D26B063DA5C2264F74A92FEDD0\\sketch\\AnalogTest.ino.cpp.o" "C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino-sketch-7C9F19D26B063DA5C2264F74A92FEDD0\\core\\wirish\\start.S.o" "C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino-sketch-7C9F19D26B063DA5C2264F74A92FEDD0\\core\\wirish\\start_c.c.o" "C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino-sketch-7C9F19D26B063DA5C2264F74A92FEDD0\\core\\wirish\\syscalls.c.o" "C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino-sketch-7C9F19D26B063DA5C2264F74A92FEDD0\\core\\board.cpp.o" "C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino-sketch-7C9F19D26B063DA5C2264F74A92FEDD0\\core\\wirish\\boards.cpp.o" "C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino-sketch-7C9F19D26B063DA5C2264F74A92FEDD0\\core\\wirish\\boards_setup.cpp.o" "C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino-core-cache\\core_STM32_STM32F1_mapleMini_2d4a391f166aa6403f9ab47e6d350f31.a" -Wl,--end-group
"C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\arduino\\tools\\arm-none-eabi-gcc\\4.8.3-2014q1/bin/arm-none-eabi-objcopy" -O binary "C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino-sketch-7C9F19D26B063DA5C2264F74A92FEDD0/AnalogTest.ino.elf" "C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino-sketch-7C9F19D26B063DA5C2264F74A92FEDD0/AnalogTest.ino.bin"
"C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\arduino\\tools\\arm-none-eabi-gcc\\4.8.3-2014q1/bin/arm-none-eabi-size" -A "C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino-sketch-7C9F19D26B063DA5C2264F74A92FEDD0/AnalogTest.ino.elf"
Sketch uses 16276 bytes (14%) of program storage space. Maximum is 110592 bytes.
Global variables use 3136 bytes (18%) of dynamic memory, leaving 14272 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 17408 bytes.

Compilation complete.

I made absolutely no changes to the Arduino file structure or core installation made by the standard IDE .13
IDE 2 Arduino test.JPG
IDE 2 Arduino test.JPG (26.77 KiB) Viewed 5033 times
Things just seem to work for the Beta. No, I did not run down to the lab and grab a MapleMini to upload the code, I'll try that later on. But I was just curious about Roger's Core being off in the <home>/Arduino/hardware folder and how IDE 2.0 Beta would react. So far, so good.

ScanZIP.JPG (26.14 KiB) Viewed 5030 times
ScanDetail.JPG (41.71 KiB) Viewed 5030 times
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Joined: Thu Dec 19, 2019 5:30 am
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Re: Arduino IDE 2.0

Post by ag123 »

after a bummer in linux
just got it running ... msg4938938
it is huge nearly 800 megs uncompressed

in an eagerness to try new things out i deleted my dot arduino15 folder. well lets reinstall from scratch

ok this instruction here still works the same ... tm32-cores
1- Launch IDE. Click on "File" menu and then "Preferences".
The "Preferences" dialog will open, then add the following link to the "Additional Boards Managers URLs" field: ... index.json
then in the board manager search field:
arduino20210327a.png (61.25 KiB) Viewed 5170 times
select latest click install and wait ...

Code: Select all

downloading STM32:xpack-arm-none-eabi-gcc@9.2.1-1.1
downloading STM32:STM32Tools@1.4.0
downloading STM32:CMSIS@5.5.1
downloading STM32:stm32@1.9.0
strangely no 'finished' but on the board manager menu it shows 'INSTALLED'
next select a board - select other board and port
lets pick my favorite Generic STM32F4 series

next goto tools board part number > blackpill f401ccu
ok done click the [tick] compile

Code: Select all

Sketch uses 10776 bytes (4%) of program storage space. Maximum is 262144 bytes.
Global variables use 880 bytes (1%) of dynamic memory, leaving 64656 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 65536 bytes.

Compilation complete.
update config
tools > usb support > CDC (generic 'Serial')
click [tick] (compile)

Code: Select all

Sketch uses 22116 bytes (8%) of program storage space. Maximum is 262144 bytes.
Global variables use 3624 bytes (5%) of dynamic memory, leaving 61912 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 65536 bytes.

Compilation complete.
so smooth!
last part stm32cubeprogrammer cost 100 megs compressed, i'd make do with my old favourite dfu-util for now

Code: Select all

cd /tmp/arduino-sketch-D57625....
dfu-util -a 0 -s 0x08000000 -RD sketch.ino.bin
yay it blinks :)
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Re: Arduino IDE 2.0

Post by ag123 »

testing the more 'advanced' features, reference jumps don't seem working
right click digitalWrite(..) > goto definition
no definition found
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Re: Arduino IDE 2.0

Post by fredbox »

I installed on my Mint 20 system and see the same thing.
Definitions work for standard Arduino boards. For STM32, most everything is underlined but it still compiles ok.
There is already an open issue on the 2.0 Github.

As far as size, 1.8.13 is 581 mb, 2.0_beta4 is 808mb, so its not that much bigger than the previous version.
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Re: Arduino IDE 2.0

Post by ag123 »

mrburnette wrote: Thu Mar 25, 2021 1:41 pm I installed the Arduino IDE 2.0 Beta on my Win10Pro HP i7 (4core-8tread) notebook from ZIP. No issue until...
During the unzip, I got a nasty warning from the AV:

Seems that Windows AV decided there was a threat: *graphic attached at end.

Anyway, that was instantly quarantined.
I suspect Arduino will look into this but I'm not overly concerned. My dev box is backed up and there is nothing on this PC that cannot be remastered easily.
i'd suggest make it known on forums etc, it may help for them to investigate it. at least to confirm that it is just a benign piece of code.
this is given the recent solarwinds and ms exchange hack. it seemed some threat actors used the less noted platforms for their attacks.
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Re: Arduino IDE 2.0

Post by ag123 »

while playing with Arduino IDE 2.0 beta 4, i found in

Code: Select all

> ar -t core_bdc163ff97f82660450f5a0d8e958d0b.a 
ok so it builds a .a lib file after all - on linux - i'm not sure if it does the same on windows
and the other thing is using /tmp directories for pre-compiled libs really isn't a good idea.
i'm not sure where can the build folder be set so that the intermediate built object files, .a libraries etc can be left in the project folder in the build subfolder.
it doesn't make sense to rebuild each time the /tmp folder is cleared
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Re: Arduino IDE 2.0

Post by ag123 »

Arduino IDE 2.0 beta 4
next test i test this sketch
use a hardware timer, this kind of shows that the dependencies are correctly linked

Code: Select all

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <HardwareTimer.h>

HardwareTimer *pTimer2 = new HardwareTimer(TIM2);

int16_t count;
int8_t dir;

void ledon() {
	int8_t channel = 1;
	digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
	if(count > 100) {
		dir = -1;
		count = 100;
	} else if (count < 1) {
		dir = 1;
		count = 1;
	pTimer2->setCaptureCompare(channel, count, PERCENT_COMPARE_FORMAT); // count here is the duty cycle 1-100

void ledoff() {
	digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
	count += dir;

void setup() {
	count = 0;
	dir = 1;

	digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);

	uint8_t channel = 1;
	pTimer2->pause(); // pause the timer
	pTimer2->setMode(channel, TIMER_OUTPUT_COMPARE_PWM1); //output compare mode, got this from reading the api notes
	pTimer2->setOverflow(50, HERTZ_FORMAT); // call back at 50 hz
	pTimer2->attachInterrupt(ledon); // attach ledon() every cycle turn on the led
	pTimer2->attachInterrupt(channel, ledoff); // attach ledoff() end of duty cycle turn off the led
	pTimer2->refresh(); //reset the counters


void loop() {

then download/flash to board, now I have a 'breathing' led display :)

on a side note i found that on linux the /tmp folders are identified by
that in a way identifies each sketch by a uuid, this is pretty much same as using 'project folders' for the build
they might as well use project folders rather than tmp folders, at least the builds are left in a static location rather than being cleared say when the os decides to do some housekeeping (e.g. deleting /tmp files).
i'm not sure if it is the same on windows.
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Joined: Thu Dec 19, 2019 5:30 am
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Re: Arduino IDE 2.0

Post by ag123 »

i seemed to have found a root cause for the undeclared identifier issue ... -809254807

the language server toolchain architecture apparently seem to be
arduino-ide2 -> vscode-arduino-tools (module) -> arduino-language-server -> clangd

in inols-err.log
--> initialize(file:///home/user/Arduino/sketch_mar28b)
running: /opt1/arduino/arduino-ide_2.0.0-beta.4-snapshot.51195eb_Linux_64bit/resources/app/node_modules/arduino-ide-extension/build/arduino-cli compile --fqbn STM32:stm32:GenF4 --only-compilation-database --clean --source-override /tmp/071191930 --build-path /tmp/arduino-language-server071191930 --format json /home/user/Arduino/sketch_mar28b
if arduino-cli compile is run with --only-compilation-database ends in error, compile_commands.json is not generated

however if arduino-cli compile is run without --only-compilation-database the build completes, though with a success : false status and a detailed compile_commands.json file is successfully generated

Code: Select all

  "directory": "/tmp/arduino-language-server071191930",
  "arguments": [
it otherwise generates a 'blank' compile_commands.json file and all definition and symbol lookups fail
compile_commands.json is used by clangd to figure out where are all the files
parse them and make the symbol and reference lookup index
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Re: Arduino IDE 2.0

Post by koen »

fyi: an early build of arduino-ide 2 on raspberry pi os 64bit, and an stm32 board support package.
Home directory on usb external disk recommended; home directory con internal sdcard can be painfully slow.
I'm using this for a small blue pill project. No 32bit version. sorry.
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