Dave - library writer, audio equipment builder

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Dave - library writer, audio equipment builder

Post by davetcc »

Hi, for a long time I've had users of my libraries (tcMenu, IoAbstraction, SimpleCollections and TaskManagerIO) using STM32Duino. For some reason, I'd always associated the larger STM32 boards with mbed and never tried this core - I wish I tried this a long time ago!

So far I am really impressed with STM32Duino, and will build in direct support for the extensions in my libraries to use it more efficiently and fully. The build, debug and deploy performance in platformIO is excellent.

My background is that I started out many moons ago writing 6502 and 68000 assembler for C64 and Amiga. I moved on to C/C++ and then to Java with C/C++ native integration. I studied electronics but until a few years ago had not really ever used it in practice. Over the past few years, I have re-read a lot about audio design and started building my own stuff.

Here's a photo of the latest tcMenu library stack running on an STM32F439 board (basically using the STM32F429 nucleo variant as the only difference I can see is the cryptographic device). It should be said there's no oven behind that menu, I just put it together to test it is working!
tcmenu-stm32duino-f439.jpg (89.89 KiB) Viewed 2821 times
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