Compiling Marlin 3d printer firmware with stm32duino official core - the unorthodox way

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Compiling Marlin 3d printer firmware with stm32duino official core - the unorthodox way

Post by ag123 »

this is a build log rather than a 'how to' post. I managed to compile

Marlin Firmware 2.0
with STM32duino official core
and got it running on STM32 F4VET6 black board ... -V2.0.html

accordingly the recommended method is to use Platform IO running in VS Code.
there is also a "Auto Build Marlin" vscode extension for it ... ormio.html

note that building marlin firmware in Arduino IDE, you may confront various challenges/problems.
Apparently i found out that there is a define HAL_STM32
this define is apparently passed from platformio ini files
and this isn't the only one. This effectively means that the original Arduino IDE won't work with the stm32duino STM core with Marlin 2.0
as it implies things like platform.txt and board.txt files need to be edited. it may work though but i've not tried.

what i've done instead is i've created a makefile, works only in linux/unix.
this makefile should be consider 'alpha' code, i.e. it works for me but it may not work for you
the makefile is board and mcu specific (one single variant at at time), hence if you use a board other than
STM32 F4VET6 black board, you would need to edit the various definitions / defines in the makefile and use a different variant.
the makefile includes a pretty large exclusion list those are replicated from platformio.ini from marlin firmware,
if you build Marlin using this makefile and you are getting object not found errors at the linking stage, search in the exclusion
list aud comment off the relevant exclusions.

The 'usual' way to build marlin seem to be, first get (e.g. git clone) the source
and edit the configuration file ... 0.x/Marlin
there are some examples in this repository
e.g. for the STM32 F4VET6 black board there is one there ... 32F407VET6
those can be used in place of the default Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h
but be sure to check and edit the configurations ... ation.html

if you want to use this makefile (linux/unix only), in Windows, it would likely need WSL ... tall-win10
it requires you to setup this project folder structure as follows

Code: Select all

Root (project directory)
  +-- src (your sources e.g. the sketch
  |        the files has to be cpp, c or h, no ino)
  +-- Arduino_Core_STM32 (from
  +-- CMSIS_5 (from
  +-- Marlin (from
  +-- variants (see below)
  +-- Makefile (this makefile)
# this makefile can't handle the brackets/paranthesis naming convention used for the variants
# hence you need to create a local variant folder and copy all the files in
#   Arduino_Core_STM32/variants/STM32F4xx/F407V(E-G)T_F417V(E-G)T/
# to 
#   variants/F407VX/
you would also have to edit to point to the installed location of your arm-none-eabi-gcc compiler

Code: Select all

ARM_NONE_EABI_PATH := /opt/arduino/xpack-arm-none-eabi-gcc/9.2.1-1.1/
this makefile is maintained in this gist as well ... 65e6b5c9f7

Code: Select all

# version 0 (alpha)
# This make file for libmaple core is possibly *dangerous*
# i.e. it compiles the sources (in src and STM32F1) directory 
# and overwrite all the stuff in $(out_dir)
# $(out_dir) is the binary directory where the object files are dumped there
# make clean *deletes* the *$(out_dir)* (coded here as bin )
# this is a relative path makefile
# the directory structure needs to be
# Root (project directory)
#   +-- src (your sources e.g. the sketch
#   |        the files has to be cpp, c or h, no ino)
#   |
#   +-- Arduino_Core_STM32 (from
#   |
#   +-- CMSIS_5 (from
#   |
#   +-- Marlin (from
#   |
#   +-- variants (see below)
#   |
#   +-- Makefile (this makefile)
# this makefile can't handle the brackets/paranthesis naming convention used for the variants
# hence you need to create a local variant folder and copy all the files in
#   Arduino_Core_STM32/variants/STM32F4xx/F407V(E-G)T_F417V(E-G)T/
# to 
#   variants/F407VX/
# Marlin is from the github repository. v 2.0.x and above is needed to build Marlin with stm32duino
# the make needs to be run from the root of this file structure
# the make is relative path from this Root 
# generated object files and binaries (elf, bin) are placed into the
# $(out_dir) - bin
# make clean  - *deletes* $(out_dir)
# make all  - starts the build
# This software released into the public domain.
# Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
# distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
# binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
# means.
# In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
# of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
# software to the public domain. 

# this folder is deleted with make clean
out_dir := build

# this is the name of the subdirectory under STM32F1/variants
# it needs to match, this caters to a single variant
variant := F407VX
build_series := STM32F4xx
build_arch := STM32
#build_board := GenF4
build_board := BLACK_F407VE
variant_h := variant_BLACK_F407VX.h
product_line := STM32F407xx

#flash offset
ld_flash_offset := 0x0
#flash size
# 512K
ld_flash_size := 0x80000
#sram size
# 128K (sram) 
ld_sram_size += 0x20000
# 64k (ccmram) - ccm ram is maint directly in ldscript 

# these are the defines passed to gcc, g++ and the assembler
# use += to add more definitions
defines := ARDUINO=189 
defines += $(build_series)
defines += ARDUINO_$(build_board)
defines += ARDUINO_ARCH_$(build_arch) 
defines += BOARD_NAME=\"$(build_board)\"
defines += VARIANT_H=\"$(variant_h)\"
defines += $(product_line)
#defines += VECT_TAB_SRAM
defines += VECT_TAB_OFFSET=0
defines += F_CPU=168000000L
defines += HSE_VALUE=8000000L
defines += USBCON
defines += USBD_VID=0x0483
defines += USBD_PID=0x5740
defines += USB_MANUFACTURER=\"Unknown\"
defines += USB_PRODUCT=\"$(build_board)\"
defines += ADC_RESOLUTION=12
# usb serial
defines += USBD_USE_CDC
# HID keyboard and mouse 
defines += LED_BUILTIN=PA6

#Marlin specific defines
defines += HAL_STM32
defines += TIM_IRQ_PRIO=13

# core_root points to the parent folder containing Arduino_Core_STM32 folder in a sub-directory
# this should be 1 level above Arduino_Core_STM32 folder
# this allows the core to be placed in a separate folder rather than in the project folder
# use of this is not encouraged omit the final slash after the directory
core_root := .
core_name := Arduino_Core_STM32
build_core_path = $(core_root)/$(core_name)/cores/arduino
build_system_path = $(core_root)/$(core_name)/system
CMSIS_path := $(core_root)/CMSIS_5
# This is for the CMSIS math lib
CMSIS_LD_PATH := $(core_root)/CMSIS/DSP/Lib/GCC
cmsis_lib_gcc := arm_cortexM4lf_math
start_file_path := $(build_system_path)/Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/$(build_series)/Source/Templates/gcc

# these are the source directories for the libmaple core
# and variant, normally they stay unchanged
# if you want to place the libmaple core directory somewhere else, 
# define core_root above
coredir := $(core_root)/$(core_name)/cores/arduino
coredir += $(core_root)/$(core_name)/libraries/SrcWrapper/src
#coredir += $(build_system_path)/Drivers/$(build_series)_HAL_Driver/Src
#coredir += $(build_system_path)/$(build_series)
#coredir += $(build_system_path)/Middlewares/ST/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/Src
#variantdir := $(core_root)/variants/$(variant)
#local variannt dir
#variantdir := $(core_root)/$(core_name)/variants/$(variant)
#variantdir := $(core_name)/variants/$(build_series)/$(variant)
variantdir := variants/$(variant)
#coredir += $(variantdir)

# source directories
# these are the initial directories to search for sources
# relative to this build (root) directory
# if you use libraries either put them in a sub-directory in src
srcdir := src
# or add it here
#srcdir += library1
srcdir += $(variantdir)
srcdir += $(core_name)/libraries/Servo/src
srcdir += $(core_name)/libraries/SPI/src
srcdir += $(core_name)/libraries/IWatchdog/src/

# add marlin sources
# subdirectories are used to prevent recursion into Marlin/Marlin/src/HAL
# HAL is board/chip specific
marlindir := Marlin/Marlin
srcdir += $(marlindir)/src/core
srcdir += $(marlindir)/src/feature
srcdir += $(marlindir)/src/gcode
srcdir += $(marlindir)/src/inc
srcdir += $(marlindir)/src/lcd
srcdir += $(marlindir)/src/libs
srcdir += $(marlindir)/src/module
srcdir += $(marlindir)/src/sd
srcdir += $(marlindir)/src/HAL/shared
srcdir += $(marlindir)/src/HAL/STM32

$(info $(srcdir))

# sources to exclude
# excludelist is from platformio.ini
# to exclude full directory use % wildcard as suffix
marexcl :=
marexcl += src/lcd/HD44780/%
marexcl += src/lcd/TFTGLCD/%
marexcl += src/lcd/dwin/%
marexcl += src/lcd/dogm/%
marexcl += src/lcd/tft/%
marexcl += src/lcd/tft_io/%
marexcl += src/HAL/STM32/tft/%
marexcl += src/HAL/STM32F1/tft/%
#marexcl += src/lcd/menu/%
marexcl += src/lcd/menu/game/game.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/menu/game/brickout.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/menu/game/invaders.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/menu/game/maze.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/menu/game/snake.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/menu/menu_backlash.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/menu/menu_bed_corners.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/menu/menu_bed_leveling.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/menu/menu_cancelobject.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/menu/menu_delta_calibrate.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/menu/menu_filament.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/menu/menu_info.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/menu/menu_job_recovery.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/menu/menu_language.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/menu/menu_led.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/menu/menu_media.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/menu/menu_mmu2.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/menu/menu_password.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/menu/menu_power_monitor.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/menu/menu_spindle_laser.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/menu/menu_temperature.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/menu/menu_tmc.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/menu/menu_touch_screen.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/menu/menu_tramming.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/menu/menu_ubl.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/extui/anycubic_chiron/%
marexcl += src/lcd/extui/anycubic_i3mega/%
marexcl += src/lcd/extui/dgus/%
marexcl += src/lcd/extui/dgus/fysetc/%
marexcl += src/lcd/extui/dgus/hiprecy/%
marexcl += src/lcd/extui/dgus/mks/%
marexcl += src/lcd/extui/dgus/origin/%
marexcl += src/lcd/extui/example/%
marexcl += src/lcd/extui/ftdi_eve_touch_ui/%
marexcl += src/lcd/extui/malyan/%
marexcl += src/lcd/extui/mks_ui/%
marexcl += src/lcd/extui/nextion/%
marexcl += src/lcd/lcdprint.cpp
marexcl += src/lcd/touch/touch_buttons.cpp
# flash
marexcl += src/sd/usb_flashdrive/lib-uhs2/%
marexcl += src/sd/usb_flashdrive/lib-uhs3/%
marexcl += src/sd/usb_flashdrive/Sd2Card_FlashDrive.cpp
# sd 
marexcl += src/sd/cardreader.cpp
marexcl += src/sd/Sd2Card.cpp
marexcl += src/sd/SdBaseFile.cpp
marexcl += src/sd/SdFatUtil.cpp
marexcl += src/sd/SdFile.cpp
marexcl += src/sd/SdVolume.cpp
marexcl += src/gcode/sd
#marexcl += src/HAL/shared/backtrace/%
marexcl += src/HAL/shared/cpu_exception/%
marexcl += src/HAL/shared/eeprom_if_i2c.cpp
marexcl += src/HAL/shared/eeprom_if_spi.cpp
marexcl += src/feature/babystep.cpp
marexcl += src/feature/backlash.cpp
# baricuda
marexcl += src/feature/baricuda.cpp
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/baricuda/%
# auto bed level
marexcl += src/feature/bedlevel/abl/%
marexcl += src/gcode/bedlevel/abl/%
# mesh bed level
marexcl += src/feature/bedlevel/mbl/%
marexcl += src/gcode/bedlevel/mbl/%
# unified bed level
marexcl += src/feature/bedlevel/ubl/%
marexcl += src/gcode/bedlevel/ubl/%
marexcl += src/feature/bedlevel/hilbert_curve.cpp
# hestshrink decoder
marexcl += src/feature/binary_stream.cpp
marexcl += src/libs/heatshrink
marexcl += src/feature/bltouch.cpp
# cancel object
marexcl += src/feature/cancel_object.cpp
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/cancel
# caselight
marexcl += src/feature/caselight.cpp
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/caselight
marexcl += src/feature/closedloop.cpp
# controller fan
marexcl += src/feature/controllerfan.cpp
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/controllerfan
# cooler
marexcl += src/feature/cooler.cpp
marexcl += src/gcode/temp/M143_M193.cpp
# dac/digipot
marexcl += src/feature/dac/%
marexcl += src/feature/digipot/%
# direct stepping
marexcl += src/feature/direct_stepping.cpp
marexcl += src/gcode/motion/G6.cpp
marexcl += src/feature/e_parser.cpp
marexcl += src/feature/encoder_i2c.cpp
# ethernet
marexcl += src/feature/ethernet.cpp
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/network/M552-M554.cpp
marexcl += src/feature/fanmux.cpp
# fil width
marexcl += src/feature/filwidth.cpp
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/filwidth/%
# firmware retract
marexcl += src/feature/fwretract.cpp
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/fwretract/%
marexcl += src/feature/host_actions.cpp
marexcl += src/feature/hotend_idle.cpp
marexcl += src/feature/joystick.cpp
marexcl += src/feature/leds/blinkm.cpp
marexcl += src/feature/leds/leds.cpp
marexcl += src/feature/leds/neopixel.cpp
marexcl += src/feature/leds/pca9533.cpp
marexcl += src/feature/leds/pca9632.cpp
marexcl += src/feature/leds/printer_event_leds.cpp
marexcl += src/feature/leds/tempstat.cpp
marexcl += src/feature/max7219.cpp
marexcl += src/feature/meatpack.cpp
marexcl += src/feature/mixing.cpp
marexcl += src/feature/mmu/mmu.cpp
# prusa mmu2
marexcl += src/feature/mmu/mmu2.cpp
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/prusa_MMU2/%
marexcl += src/feature/password/%
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/password/%
marexcl += src/feature/pause.cpp
marexcl += src/feature/power.cpp
# power monitor
marexcl += src/feature/power_monitor.cpp
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/power_monitor
# power loss
marexcl += src/feature/powerloss.cpp
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/powerloss/%
marexcl += src/feature/probe_temp_comp.cpp
marexcl += src/feature/repeat.cpp
# runout
marexcl += src/feature/runout.cpp
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/runout
marexcl += src/feature/snmm.cpp
# solenoid
marexcl += src/feature/solenoid.cpp
marexcl += src/gcode/control/M380_M381.cpp
# spindle laser
marexcl += src/feature/spindle_laser.cpp
marexcl += src/gcode/control/M3-M5.cpp
marexcl += src/feature/stepper_driver_safety.cpp
# trinamic
marexcl += src/feature/tmc_util.cpp
marexcl += src/module/stepper/trinamic.cpp
marexcl += src/feature/tramming.cpp
marexcl += src/feature/twibus.cpp
marexcl += src/feature/z_stepper_align.cpp
# G26 - Mesh Validation Pattern
marexcl += src/gcode/bedlevel/G26.cpp
# G35 - Tramming Assistant
marexcl += src/gcode/bedlevel/G35.cpp
# G42 - Move to mesh coordinate
marexcl += src/gcode/bedlevel/G42.cpp
# bedlevel
#marexcl += src/gcode/bedlevel/M420.cpp
#marexcl += src/feature/bedlevel/bedlevel.cpp
# G33 - Delta Auto Calibration
marexcl += src/gcode/calibrate/G33.cpp
# G34 - Z Steppers Auto-Alignment, M422 - Set Z Motor XY
marexcl += src/gcode/calibrate/G34.cpp
marexcl += src/gcode/calibrate/G34_M422.cpp
# G76 - Probe temperature calibration
marexcl += src/gcode/calibrate/G76_M192_M871.cpp
# G425 - Backlash Calibration
marexcl += src/gcode/calibrate/G425.cpp
marexcl += src/gcode/calibrate/M12.cpp
# M48 - Probe Accuracy Test
marexcl += src/gcode/calibrate/M48.cpp
# M100 - Free Memory
marexcl += src/gcode/calibrate/M100.cpp
# M425 - Backlash compensation
marexcl += src/gcode/calibrate/M425.cpp
# M666 - Set Delta endstop adjustment
marexcl += src/gcode/calibrate/M666.cpp
# M852 - Bed Skew Compensation
marexcl += src/gcode/calibrate/M852.cpp
# M10-M11 - Vacuum / Blower Control
marexcl += src/gcode/control/M10-M11.cpp
# m42 set pin state, m226 wait for pin state
#marexcl += src/gcode/control/M42.cpp
#marexcl += src/gcode/control/M226.cpp
# M43 T - Toggle Pins
#marexcl += src/gcode/config/M43.cpp
# M217 - Filament swap parameters
marexcl += src/gcode/config/M217.cpp
# M218 - Set Hotend Offset
marexcl += src/gcode/config/M218.cpp
# M221 - Set Flow Percentage
#marexcl += src/gcode/config/M221.cpp
# M281 - Edit Servo Angles
marexcl += src/gcode/config/M281.cpp
# M301 - Set Hotend PID
#marexcl += src/gcode/config/M301.cpp
# M302 - Cold Extrude
#marexcl += src/gcode/config/M302.cpp
# M304 - Set Bed PID
marexcl += src/gcode/config/M304.cpp
# M305 - User Thermistor Parameters
marexcl += src/gcode/config/M305.cpp
# M540 - Endstops Abort SD
marexcl += src/gcode/config/M540.cpp
# M575 - Serial baud rate
marexcl += src/gcode/config/M575.cpp
# M672 - Test Speed Warning
marexcl += src/gcode/config/M672.cpp
# M7-M9 - Coolant Controls
marexcl += src/gcode/control/M7-M9.cpp
# M211 - Software Endstops
#marexcl += src/gcode/control/M211.cpp
# M350 - Set micro-stepping
marexcl += src/gcode/control/M350_M351.cpp
# M605 - Dual Nozzle Mode
marexcl += src/gcode/control/M605.cpp
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/advance
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/camera
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/i2c
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/L6470
# M150 - Set RGB(W) Color
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/leds/M150.cpp
# Max7219 LED matrix
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/leds/M7219.cpp
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/macro
# mixing M163 - Set Mix Factor, M164 - Save Mix, M165 - Set Mix
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/mixing/M163-M165.cpp
# M166 - Gradient Mix
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/mixing/M166.cpp
# G27 - Park toolhead
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/pause/G27.cpp
# G60 - Save Current Position
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/pause/G60.cpp
# G61 - Return to Saved Position
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/pause/G61.cpp
# M125 - Park Head
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/pause/M125.cpp
# M600 - Filament Change
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/pause/M600.cpp
# M603 - Configure Filament Change
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/pause/M603.cpp
# M701 - Load filament, M702 - Unload filament
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/pause/M701_M702.cpp
# M122 - TMC Debugging
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/trinamic/M122.cpp
# M569 - Set TMC stepping mode
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/trinamic/M569.cpp
# M906 - TMC Motor Current
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/trinamic/M906.cpp
# M911 - TMC OT Pre-Warn Condition, M912 - Clear TMC OT Pre-Warn, 
# M913 - Set Hybrid Threshold Speed, M914 - TMC Bump Sensitivity
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/trinamic/M911-M914.cpp
# G17-G19 - CNC Workspace Planes
marexcl += src/gcode/geometry/G17-G19.cpp
# G53 - Move in Machine Coordinates
# G54-G59.3 - Workspace Coordinate System
marexcl += src/gcode/geometry/G53-G59.cpp
# M206 - Set Home Offsets, M428 - Home Offsets Here
#marexcl += src/gcode/geometry/M206_M428.cpp
# M16 - Expected Printer Check
marexcl += src/gcode/host/M16.cpp
# M113 - Host Keepalive
#marexcl += src/gcode/host/M113.cpp
# M154 - Position Auto-Report
marexcl += src/gcode/host/M154.cpp
# M360 - SCARA Theta A
marexcl += src/gcode/host/M360.cpp
# M876 - Handle Prompt Response
marexcl += src/gcode/host/M876.cpp
# M0-M1 - Unconditional stop
marexcl += src/gcode/lcd/M0_M1.cpp
# M117 - Set LCD Message
marexcl += src/gcode/lcd/M117.cpp
# m250 lcd contrast, m256 lcd brightness
marexcl += src/gcode/lcd/M250.cpp
marexcl += src/gcode/lcd/M256.cpp
# M300 - Play Tone
#marexcl += src/gcode/lcd/M300.cpp
# M414: Set the language for the UI
marexcl += src/gcode/lcd/M414.cpp
# M73 - Set Print Progress
marexcl += src/gcode/lcd/M73.cpp
# M995 - Touch Screen Calibration
marexcl += src/gcode/lcd/M995.cpp
# G2-G3 - Arc or Circle Move
#marexcl += src/gcode/motion/G2_G3.cpp
# G5 - Bézier cubic spline
marexcl += src/gcode/motion/G5.cpp
# G80 - Cancel Current Motion Mode
marexcl += src/gcode/motion/G80.cpp
# M290 - Babystep
marexcl += src/gcode/motion/M290.cpp
# G30 - Single Z-Probe
marexcl += src/gcode/probe/G30.cpp
# G31 - Dock Sled, G32 - Undock Sled, 
marexcl += src/gcode/probe/G31_G32.cpp
# G38.2-G38.5 - Probe target
marexcl += src/gcode/probe/G38.cpp
# M401 - Deploy Probe, M402 - Stow Probe
marexcl += src/gcode/probe/M401_M402.cpp
# M851 - XYZ Probe Offset
marexcl += src/gcode/probe/M851.cpp
# M951 - Magnetic Parking Extruder
marexcl += src/gcode/probe/M951.cpp
marexcl += src/gcode/scara/%
marexcl += src/gcode/sd/%
# M32 - Select and Start
marexcl += src/gcode/sd/M32.cpp
# M808 - Repeat Marker
marexcl += src/gcode/sd/M808.cpp
# M104 - Set Hotend Temperature, M109 - Wait for Hotend Temperature
#marexcl += src/gcode/temp/M104_M109.cpp
# M155 - Temperature Auto-Report
#marexcl += src/gcode/temp/M155.cpp
# G20 - Inch Units, G21 - Millimeter Units
marexcl += src/gcode/units/G20_G21.cpp
# M82 - E Absolute, M83 - E Relative
#marexcl += src/gcode/units/M82_M83.cpp
#marexcl += src/gcode/units/M149.cpp
# spi flash
marexcl += src/libs/BL24CXX.cpp
marexcl += src/libs/W25Qxx.cpp
#  l64xx stepper driver
marexcl += src/libs/L64XX
marexcl += src/module/stepper/L64xx.cpp
marexcl += src/HAL/shared/HAL_spi_L6470.cpp
marexcl += src/libs/MAX31865.cpp
marexcl += src/libs/hex_print.cpp
marexcl += src/libs/least_squares_fit.cpp
# nozzle clean
marexcl += src/libs/nozzle.cpp
marexcl += src/gcode/feature/clean
marexcl += src/module/delta.cpp
marexcl += src/module/planner_bezier.cpp
marexcl += src/module/printcounter.cpp
marexcl += src/module/probe.cpp
# scara
marexcl += src/module/scara.cpp
marexcl += src/gcode/calibrate/M665.cpp
# servo
#marexcl += src/module/servo.cpp
#marexcl += src/gcode/control/M280.cpp
marexcl += src/module/stepper/TMC26X.cpp

exclsrc := $(addprefix $(marlindir)/,$(marexcl))

# add leafnodes marlin source files - to avoid recursion
cxxadd := $(marlindir)/src/MarlinCore.cpp

#this is the ld script in STM32F1/variants/$(variant)/ld to use
#ldscript := bootloader_20.ld
ldscript := ldscript.ld
LD_SCRIPT_PATH := $(variantdir)/$(ldscript)
#LD_SCRIPT_PATH := variants/Pill_F401CC/$(ldscript)

#this is the startup asm file, mcu specific
start_mcu_name := stm32f407xx
start_asm_file := ${start_file_path}/startup_${start_mcu_name}.s

#the includes i.e. the -Ipath needs to be exlicitly stated
#no automatic recursive searching
#if you use libraries you may want to add it here
includedir := $(srcdir)
includedir += $(variantdir)
includedir += $(CMSIS_path)/CMSIS/Core/Include
includedir += $(build_system_path)/Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/$(build_series)/Include/
#includedir += $(build_system_path)/Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/$(build_series)/Source/Templates/gcc/ 
includedir += $(CMSIS_path)/CMSIS/DSP/Include
includedir += $(build_core_path)
includedir += $(build_core_path)/avr
includedir += $(build_core_path)/stm32
includedir += $(build_core_path)/stm32/LL 
includedir += $(build_core_path)/stm32/usb 
includedir += $(build_core_path)/stm32/usb/hid 
includedir += $(build_core_path)/stm32/usb/cdc 
includedir += $(build_system_path)/Drivers/$(build_series)_HAL_Driver/Inc 
includedir += $(build_system_path)/Drivers/$(build_series)_HAL_Driver/Src 
includedir += $(build_system_path)/$(build_series)
includedir += $(build_system_path)/Middlewares/ST/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/Inc 
includedir += $(build_system_path)/Middlewares/ST/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/Src
includedir += $(core_name)/libraries/Servo/src
includedir += $(core_name)/libraries/SPI/src
includedir += $(core_name)/libraries/IWatchdog/src/

#marlin specific includes
includedir += $(marlindir)
includedir += $(marlindir)/src
includedir += $(marlindir)/src/HAL/shared
includedir += $(marlindir)/src/HAL/STM32
includedir += $(marlindir)/src/pins
includedir += $(marlindir)/src/pins/stm32f4

#if you use core_root, you would need to add that as a prefix
#includedir := $(addprefix $(core_root)/,$(includedir))

# update this to match 
# this should be the install base location of ARM_NONE_EABI_GCC toolchain
ARM_NONE_EABI_PATH := /opt/arduino/xpack-arm-none-eabi-gcc/9.2.1-1.1/
# this should be the location of the arm standard libraries c & c++
# the arm-none-eabi/lib select the folder matching the arch
# compile options e.g. thumb and v7-m
LD_TOOLCHAIN_PATH := $(ARM_NONE_EABI_PATH)/arm-none-eabi/lib/thumb/v7e-m+fp

# recursive wildcard function, call with params:
#  - start directory (finished with /) or empty string for current dir
#  - glob pattern
# (taken from
rwildcard=$(foreach d,$(wildcard $1*),$(call rwildcard,$d/,$2) $(filter $(subst *,%,$2),$d))

cfiles := $(strip $(foreach s, $(srcdir), $(call rwildcard,$(s),*.c)))
cxxfiles := $(strip $(foreach s, $(srcdir), $(call rwildcard,$(s),*.cpp)))
asfiles := $(strip $(foreach s, $(srcdir), $(call rwildcard,$(s),*.s)))
asfiles += ${start_asm_file}
$(info $(asfiles))

cxxfiles := $(cxxfiles) $(cxxadd) 
#exclude sources
cxxfiles := $(filter-out $(exclsrc),$(cxxfiles))
cfiles := $(filter-out $(exclsrc),$(cfiles))
src_files := $(cfiles) $(cxxfiles) $(asfiles)
#$(info $(src_files))

core_cfiles += $(subst $(core_root)/,,$(strip $(foreach s, $(coredir), $(call rwildcard,$(s),*.c))))
core_cxxfiles += $(subst $(core_root)/,,$(strip $(foreach s, $(coredir), $(call rwildcard,$(s),*.cpp))))
core_asfiles += $(subst $(core_root)/,,$(strip $(foreach s, $(coredir), $(call rwildcard,$(s),*.s))))

#exclude due to repeat system init
#core_cfiles := $(filter-out libraries/SrcWrapper/src/stm32/system_stm32yyxx.c,$(core_cfiles))
#$(info $(core_cfiles))

core_files := $(core_cfiles) $(core_cxxfiles) $(core_asfiles)
files := $(src_files) $(core_files)
sdirs := $(sort $(dir $(files)))
$(info $(sdirs))

#hfiles := $(foreach s, $(includedir), $(call rwildcard,$(s),*.h))
#hfiles += $(foreach s, $(srcdir), $(call rwildcard,$(s),*.h))
#incdirs = $(sort $(dir $(hfiles)))

TOOLPREFIX := arm-none-eabi-
DFUUTIL = dfu-util

RM      = /usr/bin/rm
MKDIR   = /usr/bin/mkdir -p
TEST	= /usr/bin/test

DEFINES := $(addprefix -D,$(defines))
INCLUDES := $(addprefix -I,$(includedir))

# -O0 - none
# -Os - optimise size
# -O1 - optimise
# -O2 - optimise more
# -O3 - optimise most
# -Og - optimise debug
OFLAG := -Os

# default none
# -g - debug
# -g1 - minimal
# -g3 - maximal
DFLAG = -g

COMMON_OFLAGS := -Wl,--gc-sections $(OFLAG) $(DFLAG) \
                 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections \
                 -fmessage-length=0 -fsigned-char \
                 -ffreestanding -fno-move-loop-invariants \
                 --specs=nano.specs -Wall -Wextra

FPU_FLAGS := -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -fsingle-precision-constant
#FPU_FLAGS := -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -fsingle-precision-constant

TARGET_FLAGS += -mcpu=cortex-m4 -march=armv7e-m+fp -mthumb \
                 $(FPU_FLAGS) \
                 $(INCLUDES) $(DEFINES)
GLOBAL_CXXFLAGS := -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions \
                   -fno-use-cxa-atexit -fno-threadsafe-statics \
                   $(COMMON_OFLAGS) \
#TARGET_ASFLAGS  := -Wl,--gc-sections $(OFLAG) $(DFLAG) -Xassembler -Wall
TARGET_ASFLAGS  := -Wl,--gc-sections $(OFLAG) $(DFLAG)

#				   -nostdlib 
#                  -nodefaultlibs
#                  -nostartfiles  
#                  -Wl,--gc-sections
GLOBAL_LDFLAGS := --specs=nano.specs \
                  -Xlinker --gc-sections

                  -Xlinker -T$(LD_SCRIPT_PATH) \
                  -L $(variantdir) 
#                  -Xlinker -T$(add_ld_script)

TARGET_LDFLAGS += -Wl,--defsym,LD_FLASH_OFFSET=$(ld_flash_offset) \
                  -Wl,--defsym,LD_MAX_SIZE=$(ld_flash_size) \


# Add toolchain directory to LD search path

#build lists of object files relative to $(out_dir)
COBJS = $(addprefix $(out_dir)/,$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(cfiles)))
CXXOBJS = $(addprefix $(out_dir)/,$(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(cxxfiles)))
ASOBJS =  $(addprefix $(out_dir)/,$(patsubst %.s,%.o,$(asfiles)))

CORE_COBJS = $(addprefix $(out_dir)/,$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(core_cfiles)))
CORE_CXXOBJS = $(addprefix $(out_dir)/,$(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(core_cxxfiles)))
CORE_ASOBJS =  $(addprefix $(out_dir)/,$(patsubst %.s,%.o,$(core_asfiles)))

variant.ELF = $(out_dir)/$(variant).elf
variant.BIN = $(out_dir)/$(variant).bin

.PHONY: all clean mkdir
all: mkdir $(variant.BIN)
	@$(SIZE) $(variant.ELF)
	@ls -l $(variant.BIN)
	@$(OBJDUMP) --section-headers $(variant.ELF)
	@echo Source dirs
	@echo $(srcdir) $(coredir) | sed 's/ /\n/g'
	@echo $(sort $(dir $(src_files))) | sed 's/ /\n/g'
	@echo $(addprefix $(core_root)/,$(sort $(dir $(core_files)))) | sed 's/ /\n/g'
	@echo Includes
	@echo $(INCLUDES) | sed 's/ /\n/g'
	@echo Defines
	@echo $(DEFINES) | sed 's/ /\n/g'

install: all
	$(DFUUTIL) -d 0483:df11 -a 0 -s 0x8000000 -D $(variant.BIN)
$(variant.BIN): $(variant.ELF)
	$(OBJCOPY) -v -Obinary $(variant.ELF) $@ 

$(variant.ELF): $(ASOBJS) $(COBJS) $(CXXOBJS) \
                $(CORE_COBJS) $(CORE_CXXOBJS) $(CORE_ASOBJS)
	$(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ -Wl,-Map,$(out_dir)/$(variant).map $+

# General directory independent build rules, generate dependency information
$(COBJS): $(out_dir)/%.o: %.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -MMD -MP -MF $(@:%.o=%.d) -MT $@ -o $@ -c $<

$(CXXOBJS): $(out_dir)/%.o: %.cpp
	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -MMD -MP -MF $(@:%.o=%.d) -MT $@ -o $@ -c $<

$(ASOBJS): $(out_dir)/%.o: %.s
	@echo $(ASOBJS)
	$(CC) $(ASFLAGS) -MMD -MP -MF $(@:%.o=%.d) -MT $@ -o $@ -c $<

$(CORE_COBJS): $(out_dir)/%.o: $(core_root)/%.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -MMD -MP -MF $(@:%.o=%.d) -MT $@ -o $@ -c $<

$(CORE_CXXOBJS): $(out_dir)/%.o: $(core_root)/%.cpp
	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -MMD -MP -MF $(@:%.o=%.d) -MT $@ -o $@ -c $<

$(CORE_ASOBJS): $(out_dir)/%.o: $(core_root)/%.s
	$(CC) $(ASFLAGS) -MMD -MP -MF $(@:%.o=%.d) -MT $@ -o $@ -c $<

# create the build directories
tgtdirs := $(addsuffix .dir,$(addprefix $(out_dir)/,$(sdirs)))

mkdir: $(tgtdirs)

# the .dir file is a marker file that the directory is created
$(tgtdirs) : $(out_dir)/.dir
	$(MKDIR) $(dir $@)
	@touch $@

	$(MKDIR) $(dir $@)
	@touch $@
	@echo clean
	$(RM) -r $(out_dir)
DEPENDS := $(COBJS:%.o=%.d) $(CXXOBJS:%.o=%.d) $(ASOBJS:%.o=%.d)
DEPENDS += $(CORE_COBJS:%.o=%.d) $(CORE_CXXOBJS:%.o=%.d) $(CORE_ASOBJS:%.o=%.d)

-include $(DEPENDS)
Posts: 1685
Joined: Thu Dec 19, 2019 5:30 am
Answers: 27

Re: Compiling Marlin 3d printer firmware with stm32duino official core - the unorthodox way

Post by ag123 »

i've created an instructables with more (complete) information ... tm32dui-2/
for some reason it keeps giving a 404 error if not logged in.
try logging in to instructables if you are getting that error.
Posts: 1685
Joined: Thu Dec 19, 2019 5:30 am
Answers: 27

Re: Compiling Marlin 3d printer firmware with stm32duino official core - the unorthodox way

Post by ag123 »

how to blink a led with marlin and stm32duino, after the compiler crunches through 100megs of source codes to get a 100k bin file !
these are responses in the serial terminal (e.g. putty

Code: Select all

PIN: PA8         M42 P24          <unused/unknown>                       Alt Function: 10 - OTG
PIN: PA9         M42 P23          <unused/unknown>                       Alt Function: 7  - USART1..3
PIN: PA10        M42 P22          <unused/unknown>                       Alt Function: 7  - USART1..3
PIN: PA11        M42 P21          <unused/unknown>                       Alt Function: 10 - OTG
PIN: PA12        M42 P20          <unused/unknown>                       Alt Function: 10 - OTG
PIN: PA15        M42 P19          <unused/unknown>                       Alt Function: 0  - system (misc. I/O)
PIN: PB3         M42 P7           <unused/unknown>                       Alt Function: 0  - system (misc. I/O)
PIN: PB4         M42 P74          <unused/unknown>                       Alt Function: 0  - system (misc. I/O)
PIN: PB5         M42 P6           <unused/unknown>                       Input  = 1
PIN: PB6         M42 P5           <unused/unknown>                       Input  = 1
PIN: PB7         M42 P4           <unused/unknown>                       Input  = 1
PIN: PB8         M42 P3           E1_ENABLE_PIN                          Output = 1
PIN: PB9         M42 P2           E0_ENABLE_PIN                          protected
PIN: PB10        M42 P69          <unused/unknown>                       Input  = 1
PIN: PB11        M42 P70          <unused/unknown>                       Input  = 1
PIN: PB12        M42 P71          <unused/unknown>                       Input  = 1
PIN: PB13        M42 P72          <unused/unknown>                       Input  = 1
PIN: PB14        M42 P73          <unused/unknown>                       Input  = 0
PIN: PB15        M42 P37          <unused/unknown>                       Input  = 0
PIN: PC6         M42 P28          SERVO0_PIN                             Output = 0
PIN: PC7         M42 P27          SERVO1_PIN                             Output = 0
PIN: PC8         M42 P26          <unused/unknown>                       Input  = 1
PIN: PC9         M42 P25          <unused/unknown>                       Input  = 1
PIN: PC10        M42 P18          <unused/unknown>                       Input  = 1
PIN: PC11        M42 P17          <unused/unknown>                       Input  = 1
PIN: PC12        M42 P16          <unused/unknown>                       Input  = 1
PIN: PC13        M42 P43          X_MIN_PIN                              protected
.                                 X_STOP_PIN                             protected
PIN: PD0         M42 P15          E0_DIR_PIN                             protected
PIN: PD1         M42 P14          DOGLCD_A0                              Input  = 1
.                                 LCD_PINS_D6                            Input  = 1
PIN: PD2         M42 P13          <unused/unknown>                       Input  = 1
PIN: PD3         M42 P12          Z_DIR_PIN                              protected
PIN: PD4         M42 P11          BTN_EN1                                Input  = 1
PIN: PD5         M42 P10          Z_STEP_PIN                             protected
PIN: PD6         M42 P9           Z_ENABLE_PIN                           protected
PIN: PD7         M42 P8           E0_STEP_PIN                            protected
PIN: PD8         M42 P36          LCD_PINS_ENABLE                        Input  = 1
PIN: PD9         M42 P35          BTN_ENC                                Input  = 1
PIN: PD10        M42 P34          BEEPER_PIN                             Output = 0
PIN: PD11        M42 P33          <unused/unknown>                       Input  = 1
PIN: PD12        M42 P32          <unused/unknown>                       Input  = 1
PIN: PD13        M42 P31          BTN_EN2                                Input  = 1
PIN: PD14        M42 P30          Z_MIN_PIN                              protected
.                                 Z_STOP_PIN                             protected
PIN: PD15        M42 P29          <unused/unknown>                       Input  = 1
PIN: PE0         M42 P1           E1_STEP_PIN                            Input  = 1
PIN: PE1         M42 P0           E1_DIR_PIN                             Output = 0
PIN: PE2         M42 P38          Y_DIR_PIN                              protected
PIN: PE3         M42 P39          <unused/unknown>                       Input  = 1
PIN: PE4         M42 P40          <unused/unknown>                       Input  = 1
PIN: PE5         M42 P41          Y_STEP_PIN                             protected
PIN: PE6         M42 P42          Y_ENABLE_PIN                           protected
PIN: PE7         M42 P60          X_ENABLE_PIN                           protected
PIN: PE8         M42 P61          LCD_PINS_D7                            Input  = 1
PIN: PE9         M42 P62          FAN_PIN                                protected
PIN: PE10        M42 P63          LCD_PINS_D4                            Input  = 1
PIN: PE11        M42 P64          E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN                        protected
.                                 FAN1_PIN                               protected
PIN: PE12        M42 P65          DOGLCD_CS                              Input  = 1
.                                 LCD_PINS_D5                            Input  = 1
PIN: PE13        M42 P66          E1_AUTO_FAN_PIN                        protected
.                                 FAN2_PIN                               protected
PIN: PE14        M42 P67          FAN3_PIN                               protected
PIN: PE15        M42 P68          LCD_PINS_RS                            Input  = 1
strangely PA0-PA7 isn't shown in M43, the led is on PA6
M43 debug pins

M503 M503 - Report Settings

Code: Select all

echo:  G21    ; Units in mm (mm)

echo:; Filament settings: Disabled
echo:  M200 S0 D1.75
echo:; Steps per unit:
echo: M92 X80.00 Y80.00 Z4000.00 E500.00
echo:; Maximum feedrates (units/s):
echo:  M203 X300.00 Y300.00 Z5.00 E25.00
echo:; Maximum Acceleration (units/s2):
echo:  M201 X3000.00 Y3000.00 Z100.00 E10000.00
echo:; Acceleration (units/s2): P<print_accel> R<retract_accel> T<travel_accel>
echo:  M204 P3000.00 R3000.00 T3000.00
echo:; Advanced: B<min_segment_time_us> S<min_feedrate> T<min_travel_feedrate> J<junc_dev>
echo:  M205 B20000.00 S0.00 T0.00 J0.01
echo:; Home offset:
echo:  M206 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00
echo:; PID settings:
echo:  M301 P22.20 I1.08 D114.00
lets check temperatures M105 report temperatures

Code: Select all

T:166.29 /0.00 B:157.72 /0.00 C:156.36 /0.00 @:0 B@:0
these are 'nonsense', it is just the board and nothing else. but there seem to be a 'problem'.
this is lots of fun :lol:
Posts: 1685
Joined: Thu Dec 19, 2019 5:30 am
Answers: 27

Re: Compiling Marlin 3d printer firmware with stm32duino official core - the unorthodox way

Post by ag123 »

this is a lot of fun it works as a '3d printer' - pretty much since the firmware is marlin
some images hosted on imgur - they may not be permanent

this is worth trying out for those who have a board. what is missing is to get a ramps style board
wire it up with the stepper drivers, then hook up the wires to a real printer, still lots more work calibration etc

marlin firmware has thermal protection configs specified in Configuration.h, to do these tests, it is necessary comment the thermal protection configs.
Otherwise, the firmware simply goes into a 'stopped/killed' mode and doesn't respond to commands. for a real printer they should be there
Posts: 1685
Joined: Thu Dec 19, 2019 5:30 am
Answers: 27

Re: Compiling Marlin 3d printer firmware with stm32duino official core - the unorthodox way

Post by ag123 »

for some additional info, my ide is actually eclipse + cdt (c/c++ dev toolkit). it is able to cope with the 'makefile' build, but that you may still need to maintain the various defines, includes and paths manually in the ide. no sloeber etc. that is pretty tedious, literally
if you are using eclipse, make sure to set the configuration so that it won't generate and overwrite the makefile that you manually edit.
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