LTO linker option

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Re: LTO linker option

Post by ag123 »

stm32h7 are among the 'premium' soc and boards, including what you are using.
using those features likely means one would need to travel the paths of using the official stm32 HAL or CMSIS apis
and even possibly using hardware features directly, Hence, keep the manuals handy.

rather than consider a 'suggested' board, what you are using now may already have those features. e.g. using external QSPI flash
As mentioned, I do not have the hardware nor have tried it myself. Hence, to use those features it would likely mean, getting to the original sources which is the hardware features documented in the reference manuals (e.g. the relevant registers, setups etc) and possibly STM32Cube, HAL and CMSIS for the software api

if you are looking for boards that 'work out of the box', you may like to take a look at the stm32duino core repository.
you may find a board that did just that

normally the 'hard part' for beginners is learning how to set the clocks (the PLL multipliers and divisors that is).
those are things worth learning and you may like to visit the wiki as you pick up the ropes
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